EFT,Personal Coaching,Therapy and HRV Biofeedback Used In Combination Produce Deep Results: identifying and releasing the real cause of unwanted conditions!    

June, 2013 

A basic axiom for EFT is–try it on everything.  This is a good method as EFT can resolve many conditions.  Once you have located a stressful condition to address then you list all somatics–feelings, emotions, attitudes, belief systems, pains, sensations, etc.  Now do you try EFT on everything?  Meaning each and every item in your unwanted feeling list?  You could but it could take a long time to run out each unwanted feeling for each unwanted condition.  This is a long term hit or miss proposition.

A much faster methodology is to take up an unwanted condition, use an HRV Biofeedback device and assess the list of feelings until you get a green light.  The HRV green light is the indication that that issue is properly worded and is the truth at a deep subconscious level.  It is accessible and ready to run.  It is true of heart.  When you process surface issues (analytical) offered by the client you are taking their analytical overlay (justifications, assumptions, perhaps, and appearances) of what they think is the underlying cause of the condition.  If they really knew they would be getting coherence or a green light indication on it.  Most often the coach needs to question the subject asking specific questions to flush out the core issues.  Sometimes this searching for a core issue to run may take up to 15 minutes of the session time!  Is this investment worth it?

This procedure might at first seem like a waste of valuable session time until you look deeper.  If you go the other way (long way around) and use tapping on each feeling the client lists, many are fractal, subsets or modifiers and are simply not true statements of client causality and responsibility.  To run these surface (conscious) analytical issues is to waste time and energy.  By assessing the subconscious (unknown), through subtle bio-physical reactions, taking some time to discover core truths or core issues you will beat the old model.  You are concentrating on a right target subconscious issue rather than a conscious red herring.  Remember the client’s conscious mind is a powerful overlay and does not know the answer to unconscious behavior.  It is a faithful servant but a lousy master.

I will gladly spend 15 minutes to locate a core issue rather than spend 15 minutes processing someone’s cover story.  If the heart does not go coherent on the statement, then it needs to be left alone and you need to move on to one that does.  When you find an issue that gives heart coherence you have a basic on a thread of incidents or issues that is an underpinning to all the rest.  A little time spent on the right issues is much better than spending a lot of time on surface, poorly worded, unclear and vague non coherent items.  Know before you go will bring about superior results.

The resulting possibility is so much more effective than if you were to only question the client and write down each green light reading item, soon you could have a coherent paragraph voiced from the deep subconscious and deep self.  This coherent paragraph will most closely describe the cause or source of the trouble–and then some. 

Right targets release charge.  Wrong targets add charge. If you do no tapping or therapy on it, the client will still now have a clearer direction and a much deeper look at what is at the bottom of limitation.  The previously unknown pattern with driving intention will be revealed and parasympathetic nervous system healing takes place.

This above mentioned process is only possible through very few master muscle testers or dowsers or psychics that I have met over a 50 year time stream.  HRV biofeedback assessment is almost like a psychic reading but there is no human bias or error involved.  It is much like a psychological test in its attempt to discover core traits, but you are not graded against some one’s idea of your ideal life.  It is personality profile developed by your own subconscious reactions.  It is true self knowledge generated by your own body talk, independent of the evaluation and invalidation of others.

This Biofeedback skill can be easily developed!  You can more easily and less costly find out more about how your subconscious runs your life with this HRV Biofeedback process than any other means that I know!   

I am offering a limited about of Biofeedback tapping sessions.  My goal is to train HRV Biofeedback coaches–as this gets the most to the many.

When Biofeedback integrates with tapping both fields expand.  You can 10 times your session results by getting to the core quickly.  A little bit of my training can go a long way in making you that ultimate therapist.

HRV Biofeedback when properly used can become a GPS for the unconscious mind.  It beats the hell out of analytically made up answers to age old questions that constantly bring up wrong answers.  When in doubt ask your very own body!  Your heart never lies–only your conscious mind does!