COHERENT ENERGY NEWS                                                                          November ,2010

Dear Reader,

This is the first issue of our Energy Psychology Newsletter which will inform you of our latest research in the fields of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRV) and Energy Psychology. Please read and enjoy and let us hear from you with your comments and requests for further information.


First let me introduce myself for those of you who do not know of me and my ongoing work in Psychotronics, Sacred Geometry, Action at a distance, Altered States, and EFT.

My name is Dr. Norman McVea. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and I perform psychological research. I was trained in Gestalt Therapy by Fritz Pearls, M.D., Sensitivity Training by Bernie Gunther, NLP by John Grinder, Advita Vedanta by Papa Ji, and Biofeedback Clearing. I have studied many diverse disciplines in my world travels. I was also a personal consultant to Werner Erhard of est and was Co-Director of Research at est.

I founded Introspective Technology Services, which delivered Computer Voice Stress Analysis and developed GSR biofeedback instrumentation, and also founded Applied Communication Services, which trained and coached thousands in Goal Dynamics, Coaching Release Dynamics and Coaching Self Inquiry.

I have written the books and created the training programs listed in the left sidebar, and developed and taught a 1-year university degree program in Biofeedback Therapy. I also researched and developed many Life Energy Amplifier models, and was the inventor of 4D and 5D Sound.

I have been researching and building subtle energy devices for over 20 years.


Energy Psychology–Getting the Right Answers–Making The Right Choices

Biofeedback HRV and EFT

Energy Psychology is the overall term used to describe a large group of meridian tapping and energy processes to release present and past stress.

This new science is fast becoming an industry favorite. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and TFT (Thought Field Therapy) are, in my opinion, the leading edge of this new breakthrough.

I have been practicing EFT for over 8 years and have been astounded at the fast, stable level of person growth possible. There are a lot of great beginning books on TFT and EFT, so I do not wish to cover the same well harvested ground. I will say, just as an overview, that both practices use finger tapping on these, or similar, meridian points while the subject tunes in to and verbalizes the stressful issue in many different forms. Compared to conventional psychology, which I have received as a patient for 9 years and studied for a lifetime, it is indeed a breakthrough!

It is such a breakthrough, in fact, that it further opens the door to even greater breakthroughs than before. This is a testament to its simplicity, flexibility and ease of application. When you have discovered a basic truth a lot of value can emerge in many directions. There are also many off shoots of TFT and EFT and most of those seem to also be very workable.

I would like to now show you how to incorporate Energy Psychology with HRV and HRV with Energy Psychology. Heart Rate Variability is a breakthrough biofeedback technology that has been overlooked, for the most part, in EFT and Energy Psychology. Dr. Rodger Callihan is the founder of TFT, the predecessor of EFT and is no stranger to HRV. He speaks on a YouTube Video of measuring the results of TFT with HRV quite successfully. Dr. Fuller Royal, a HRV specialist and well acknowledged master of the subject, acknowledges that HRV measurement of TFT has set a new standard in therapy results.

At first Dr Royal thought the HRV instrument was broken as it showed a greater result than he had previously witnessed. Now I have heard that he employs a TFT practitioner in his medical office.

I deeply understand the measurement of various psychological processes with biofeedback, as I have performed this activity for over 35 years in my research and consulting practice in personal coaching and research psychology. I started in 1968 and I stopped counting when I had recorded the delivery of 20,000 hours of sessions, training, and 1 to 1 consulting featuring Biofeedback Analysis.

My doctorate is in Biofeedback Therapy. I utilized GSR and Computer Voice Analysis. I was earlier trained as a Psychological Stress Examiner by Cournal Mac Mcquisten who trained me as a polygraph and Stress Examiner. The Polygraph measures GSR, heart rate and breathing rate. It measures the body’s reaction to psychological stress. What stress you measure depends on what questions you ask. I was skilled in the use of the Psychological Stress Evaluator, Computer Voice Analyzer, Galvanic Skin Response and psychological testing. The polygraph, PSA and CVA all measure the standard body parameters–GSR, heart rate and respiration rate.

In my opinion, HRV leads the field in its ability to locate core issues to work with that are stored in the subconscious, inaccessible with the subject’s current awareness. When used properly, with some training, Heart Rate Variability monitors become a very powerful truth detector.

HRV, in its many thousands of published research papers, shows its unmistakable value in clinical use as a predictor for sudden heart attack and sudden death. It is used in thousands of hospitals worldwide, which proves its reliability for risk assessment analysis. But the bigger picture I feel is being consistently missed.

Perhaps the current HRV research body is not familiar with Energy Psychology. It also may be true that up until now no researcher using HRV has had much to do with GSR or Biofeedback Therapy. It also may be true that most HRVers come from a strict medical background and keep their focus in just that risk assessment modality alone.

The truth is that HRV Biofeedback is as much at home in a therapy or coaching session as it is in a hospital setting. The first is preventive, the second is not so much, unfortunately. Now that the price of HRV Monitors has come down to hundreds from formally thousands of dollars, the personal HRV Energy Psychology and HRV Personal Coaching markets have been born. With the compactness of the new HRV devices and the immense popularity of the world wide EFT and Personal Coaching markets, a star has been born.

It is my job to show you what I believe is the next big boom or at least large wave in EFT, TFT, Energy Psychology, Psychological Testing, Personal Coaching, Muscle testing, Biofeedback and HRV. Hang on to your hats!

Most all personal coaching and therapy presuppose that the subject/client/patient knows what is wrong. Yes, generally they do know they need improvement regarding money management, relationships, communication, stress management, problem solving, etc. They know generally what surface issues are up for them.

The trouble is that they are mostly too global or have accepted many wrong answers or wrong indications to begin with. They are also blocked on identifying or specifically naming those feelings. Also the feelings are often composites, a bunch of feelings all bunched together making them appear hard to sort out It is the nature of stress to occlude truth through uncomfortable feelings. They know the general “symptoms” that are unwanted and uncomfortable feelings that they want released. Low self image, stop smoking, be more positive, be a better parent, etc.

What they do not know are what the underlying, unconscious, occluded, masked, deep core issues or core causes are that cause the problem or difficulty. What is the source of that feeling? How do we know this? Because if they knew what was causing the problem, upset, performance issue, fear, anger or resentment they would not have it in the first place! This is psych 101. What you know can’t hurt you, but what you do not know (decisions, beliefs, assumptions, avoidances, intentions, etc) that are embedded in trauma and unawareness can, and do, come back to haunt you. These are suppositions not truth.

One of the first challenges with a client/ patient/student is for them to acknowledge that whatever they think they know about an unwanted persistent condition is not the answer. In fact, what they think they know is data (wrong indications) derived from past failures in releasing the condition. If they knew the precise answer the condition would vanish.

Through proper HRV assessment, core issues can be found.

First we will talk about the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which controls functions in the body that normally occur mostly involuntary, automatically or unconsciously, such as heart rate, respiration rate, physical preparedness, digestion, rejuvenation and healing. This overall, meta system is responsible for maintaining your body in a self regulated, balanced and optimum state. This balanced optimum state is created by the constant back and forth nature of the two primary branches of your ANS: the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). The first represents stress and the second relief.

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the meta electrical management system of the body. There are two checks and balances nervous systems in the body. The SNS (vertical system) is what is turned on when you are diagnosed with adrenal fatigue-the common SNS generated condition. It is the new diagnosis for busy, stress and burned out people. It is type A all the way. Type A refers to a much earlier group of studies in which type A meant hurried, rushed, nervous and impatient behaviors of personality type A’s) If the SNS only came on when you were in real danger, like being leered at by a saber tooth tiger then its fight or flight chemical preparations reaction would be valuable. The problem here is many people exist consistently in this about to be devoured, danger filled, stressful state a lot of the time. This condition causes premature aging, exhaustion, uneasiness, defensiveness, and anxiety.

Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
Your “fight or flight” or stress response can become reactivated by many types of stressors. Emotions such as grief, anger, apathy and fear. It also engages with the presence of stressful attitudes, limiting beliefs, traumatic incidents, problems, upsets, communication breakdowns which also activate the SNS. It further engages by the triggering of traumatic incidents form the past. When your SNS is active it is characterized by:

· Increased heart rate

· Increased cardiac output

· Increased blood pressure

· Increased breathing rate

· Increased muscle tension

· Constriction of capillaries under skin surface

· Increased secretion of adrenaline (epinephrine),
  noradrenaline (norepinephrine), and cortisol

· Increased beta brainwave activity

· Increased output of blood cholesterol

· Increased blood sugar levels

· Increased insulin levels

· Inhibited digestion and elimination

· Weakened the immune system (long-term)

· Inhibited of cell growth (long-term)

In our next issue we will cover the Parasympathetic Nervous System and how to use EFT and Heart Rate Variability to identify and release core issues.                  

                                          New Book Coming Spring 2011!

Coherent Coaching, EFT, Energy Psychology, HRV Biofeedback

I would like to introduce you to the biggest breakthrough in personal coaching, psychology, energy psychology, biofeedback, psychological testing, muscle testing, altered state and stress release.

For the first breakthrough, I would like to show you a viable alternative to the various forms of Bio-field and psychological measurement-divination, psychological testing, energy analysis, behavioral assessment, kinesthesiology, dowsing, etc.

I wish to share with you a true scientific methodology of gaining fast, reliable Bio-energetic data from your autonomic nervous systems feedback, for true self knowledge.

My friend Steve Sisgold wrote a book called What’s Your Body Telling You?, and indeed your body tells you a lot if you know how to listen! Steve’s book title suggests the first breakthrough I am about to convey.

This material will show you how to measure and quantify the most researched, utilized, reliable and medically agreed upon body parameter. The Heart Rate Variability(HRV) Biofeedback process relieves stress through the discovery of your own inner heartfelt truths.

I will show you in detail how to communicate with and deeply listen to your heart, the master brain, the oracle of the body. This book will show you how to measure the happiness or stress response of the heart, at any given moment, in any situation. How to make an instant heartfelt shift through the accessing the most real and deeply knowing; emotionally smartest and most intuitive part of yourself.  I will show you how to determine your own personal heartfelt truth or reality about any issue, feeling, belief, decision, choice, direction, subject, project, etc. I will demonstrate how to discover and identify your own subconscious personal reality or deeply held personal truth about any aspect of your life. You can, through this technology, train yourself to make choices and decisions through your own intuition, not from past mechanical thinking patterns.

· You can learn, with a little practice, how to make better decisions intuitively and a lot quicker too. Intuitive decisions are not based upon what you consciously believe or so often think with your 10% conscious mind, but what your 90% subconscious mind, at the heart level, knows and acts on. Traumatic incidents in your subconscious mind mostly run the behavioral show in terms of enforcing self-created limits.

· Learn how to identify and release them. This simple formula shows you how to take your power back from your reactionary subconscious-through heartfelt listening. Learn how to make self limiting incoherent patterns-coherent for true emotional freedom.

· You will learn how to navigate and deduce your own subconscious reality and live a more authentic life.

· You will learn how to eliminate your subconscious, negative mental energy, “should” and “shouldn’ts”, and discover what your heart feels–from intuitive cues (heart speak).

· You will discover what you really value at a heartfelt level, a deep core level, rather than automatic thinking conditioned responses.

· You will discover how to access your own deeply held truths that have been suppressed in your subconscious mind. You will start to ask the question-what does my heart feel (heart feel) like doing rather than what am I suppose to be doing. You can learn how to source from the deeper picture. What is really trying to happen here?

· You will learn how to release your life long conditioning to find your true coherent core feelings, values, standards and principles. Step by step you can learn to discover your most ideal lifestyle.

· You will master the art of self-talk through developing greater self-rapport, through deeper listening and deep feeling.

· You will learn how to ask questions that you do not know the answers to and in fact, do not even know the right questions! Your subconscious is your ally and it will furnish you will all the right answers to even your most cherished and deeply personal questions–if you just know this simple formula and process.

Your body is in fact already furnishing you with all the right answers you want to know, but your deep listening device is sometimes turned off-your heart. Some say that this methodology is a cross between muscle testing, dowsing, biofeedback and an ouiji board. Your subtle body cues, internal body language and sub-consciousness reactions are truly the greatest Oracle you will ever know.

What are your most neutering personal truths?

Why do you feel the way you do?

What makes you–you?

1. Are you happier living by the ocean or in the mountains?
2. Better suited working with people or things?
3. Do you do better working independently or with a group?
4. Do you feel more heart connected to being an author or a
5. Which of your many acquaintances in your experience gives
the greatest support for a given project or goal?
6. What are your true purposes and goals?
7. Which past traumatic incidents when released offers the
most gain?
8. What triggers stress for you? Not what you think triggers
stress but what are your real, personal mechanisms of sub-
conscious stressful reactivation?
9. When you are angry are you angry because an attachment
was broken? You felt someone was taking something away
from you? You felt unsafe? An unconscious standard was
unmet? You did not feel heard? Did you break a personal
policy? Did you break an agreement with another? Did you
say one thing and then do another?
10. What activities bring about your highest levels of
satisfaction, relaxation and personal growth?
11. What elements bring about the least neutering?
12. What hidden beliefs are in the way of your highest sexual
13. What makes your heart sing? What do you truly love being,
doing and having?
13. What do you think you love and what do you truly love from
the bottom of your heart?

These are just some of the questions and issues that you can find answers to in this new breakthrough book.

Copyright © 2010 Norman McVea, Ph.D. All rights reserved.